
View Our Leadership Team:

Board of Directors

Our Board is entirely composed of veterans. Our active board members are recent-era veterans, who carry on the work of our Emeritus members.

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Nick Angione
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran (Bosnia, Africa)

Mary Westmoreland
U.S. Army & U.S. Coast Guard Veteran (Desert Storm)

Peter Griesch
Legal Counsel
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran; Judge Advocate

James Devary
U.S. Army & National Guard Veteran
Iraq, Afghanistan

Douglas McGowan
Board Member
U.S Marine Corps Veteran (Iraq, Afghanistan, other Post-9/11)

Adam Subervi
Board Member
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran (Iraq)

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Active Emeritus Board Members

Harvey Bagg
Chairman Emeritus
U.S Navy Veteran (Vietnam-Era)

Vincent McGowan
President Emeritus
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran (Vietnam)

Joseph Graham
Treasurer Emeritus
U.S. Air Force Veteran (Vietnam)

Bill Nelson
U.S. Army Veteran (Vietnam)

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Operations Team

UWVC’s mission is carried out by a team of veterans and veteran supporters with decades of service to our veterans and community.

Mark Otto
President & Executive Director
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
Panama Invasion, Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Ryan Hegg
Head of Legacy and Education
Veteran Supporter

Kelly Bryan
Head of Development and Protocol
Veteran Supporter

Jeffrey Swansen
Head of Operations
U.S. Navy Veteran
Cold War

Betsy Montanez
Volunteer Coordinator

Carlos Orduz
Event Coordinator

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Advisory Council

UWVC draws on the insights and expertise of advisors representing a wide range of perspectives on our veterans community.


Kevin Wensing
Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired; 1980-2006)

Joe Bello
Veteran Services/Community Advisor
Veteran Advocate
U.S. Navy Veteran (Cold War)

Elana Duffy
Veteran Services/Women Veteran Issues Advisor
Founder, Pathfinder Labs
U.S. Army Veteran (Afghanistan, Iraq, GWOT)

John Escalante
Military Affairs Advisor
Master Gunnery Sergeant, U.S Marine Corps
NYC Marine Corps Public Affairs
Deputy Captain, Team Red White and Blue

Adam Paige Hess
Heritage Group Advisor
Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York – Board Member

Cindy Malmo
Gold Star Families Advisor
Gold Star Mother of U.S. Army SSGT Michael Hullender

Ron Shindel
Union League Club, Chair of Military Affairs Committee
Port Authority Police Department

Nicolas Polet
International/Health Services Advisor
Director of Public Policy
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation

Joanie Martinez
Board Member Emeritus
DropBox Vets@ ERG Co-Lead
U.S. Army Veteran (Global War on Terror)

Fran Racioppi
Board Member Emeritus
U.S. Army Veteran
Global War On Terror

Diego Rubio
Board Member Emeritus
U.S. Army Veteran
Operation Enduring Freedom

John Wilson
Board Member Emeritus
New York National Guard Veteran
Operation Iraqi Freedom


David O’Leary
Chairman, 2nd Infantry Battalion Association
Irish Defense Forces Veteran

LTCOL Valerie Prehoda (Retired)
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran (Global War on Terror)
American Legion Post 1, Paris France

Eddie Rooney
British Army Veteran (GWOT, Irish Guards)
Metropolitan Police Service

Kurt Logue
British Army Veteran (GWOT, Royal Irish Regiment)
Metropolitan Police Service


Micheal Vaulx
Event Operations, GORUCK
U.S. Army Veteran(Special Forces; Global War on Terror)

Jules Daigle
Team RWB
Event Photographer

Adrian Calvache
Event Photographer
U.S. Navy Veteran

Gregg Hacke
U.S. Army Veteran (Special Forces; Panama, Gulf War, Global War on Terror)

Jason Boyko
Captain, Team RWB Northern NJ
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran


Anne Wester
Store Manager, Jersey Mike’s (Red Bank)

Thomas Clayton
Partner, Texas Road House (Red Bank)
Air Force Veteran (Global War on Terror)

Anthony Fabbri
Owner, Amici Pizzeria

Rene Stone
Founder, Serenity Stables:  From Combat to Calm

Kevin Moore
Lead Instructor, Ani Art Academy (Red Bank)

Nicole Dortity
Community Coordinator, JBJ Soul Kitchen

Killian Duclay
Co-Founder, SailAhead