Legacy & Education

Honoring Service and Creating Effective Advocates

The UWVC’s educational initiatives serve a wide range of audiences:

  • GENERAL PUBLIC: Promote the importance of veterans to our society, and provide opportunities and pathways for engagement for individuals, groups and companies.
  • YOUTH: Create tomorrow’s supporters (and today’s influencers!) by teaching youth about history and veterans issues.
  • SERVICE PROVIDERS: Help improve outreach and impacts through training workshops on key skill sets (Social Media, press release writing, etc.)
  • BUSINESSES: Create educated advocates within companies via Best Practices workshops

New York City Veterans Day Parade

The cornerstone of our legacy and education programming is the annual New York City Veterans Day Parade:


An Integrated Approach

Many of our legacy and education efforts complement our health and wellness programs by engaging veterans in need of our services and helping us build our network of partners and providers.

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To learn more, contact us.